Drivers Wanted (2012)

30 Nov

Directed by Jean Tsien & Joshua Z Weinsteindriverswantedweb
Run time: 53 min. | USA

It takes persistence to run a taxi service in New York City, and new drivers are always needed.  Long hours, disrespectful customers and the blinding snow of a blizzard are just some of the challenges they must face.  DRIVERS WANTED explores the daily workings of one Queens garage as a new driver transitions from double-decker tour buses to taxis. Throughout it all, 90-year-old Johnnie “Spider” Footman keeps showing up for work. – MRR

Click here for trailer.


One response to “Drivers Wanted (2012)

  1. UCS News Service

    January 31, 2013 at 11:04 pm

    The New York street system consists of 6174 miles of mostly asphalt roads and legend has it that a real yellow cab driver knows this jungle like the back of his hand. The filmmakers Jean Tsien and Joshua Weinstein mixed with the colourful community of drivers, mechanics and office clerks working for a long-established taxi company in Queens to document that the original ideal of the common man’s Big Apple is still very much alive and present in this slightly seedy enterprise. They avoided the trap of producing a simple assertion of an idyllic or even paradisiacal situation, opting instead for a highly enjoyable demonstration of that unspectacular and delightful feeling described by Hemingway when he remembered an encounter with some craftsmen during a stay in Paris in the 1920s: “It was easier to think if I was walking and doing something or seeing people doing something that they understood.“ What’s left? The certainty that it can’t hurt to feel grateful for little things occasionally. – Ralph Eue (DOK Leipzig Programmer)


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